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6 Tips to Overcome Stage Fear

April 20,2024
Public Speaking

6 Tips to Overcome Stage Fear

When it comes to delivering an Investor Awareness Program (IAP), honing your public speaking skills is essential. Warren Buffett once said, “Public speaking skills will raise your value by 50%.” However, not everyone is comfortable speaking in front of an audience. Many IFAs/MFDs are knowledgeable and excel in one-on-one conversations with clients, but public speaking feels like a nightmare to them.

The fear of public speaking, also known as Glossophobia, is one of the most common phobias. Approximately 75% of people experience this fear, making it more prevalent than even the fear of death, spiders, darkness, or heights.

Here’s a list of common phobias:

  1. Glossophobia – Fear of Public Speaking

  2. Necrophobia – Fear of Death

  3. Arachnophobia – Fear of Spiders

  4. Achluphobia – Fear of Darkness

  5. Acrophobia – Fear of Heights

As Jerry Seinfeld humorously noted:
“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

Interestingly, even seasoned speakers experience stage fear. The key difference is that they continue to speak and practice despite their fear. Here are six powerful tips to help you overcome stage fear and confidently deliver your educational messages through IAPs:

1. Practice

Practice is the foundation of confidence. Before delivering your speech, rehearse it multiple times. Practice in front of friends, family, or staff members. Aim to practice at least 5–6 times before the actual presentation.

The goal is to internalize the content and flow of your presentation so that you don’t have to focus on remembering what to say. Instead, you can focus on delivering the speech confidently. When you know exactly which slide comes next and what to say, your confidence will soar. Remember the three most important words: Practice! Practice! Practice! As the saying goes, “Practice makes permanent.”

2. Relax

Fear, anxiety, and dizziness are common before a presentation. To calm your nerves, take deep breaths. Deep breathing maximizes lung capacity, increasing oxygen intake. More oxygen to the brain helps you think clearly and feel more relaxed.

Additionally, stay hydrated by drinking enough water before your session. However, avoid drinking too much water right before a long presentation, as it may force you to cut the session short!

3. Focus on the Message

The beauty of an Investor Awareness Program is that the message you’re sharing is highly beneficial to the audience. When you’re delivering something valuable, there’s no reason to fear. Focus on the impact of your message rather than on yourself.

Shift your mindset from “What if I make a mistake?” to “How can I help my audience understand this better?” This shift will reduce your anxiety and improve your delivery.

4. Always Have a Plan B

This tip is especially useful for beginners. Imagine forgetting your lines or getting your notes jumbled during the presentation. Such situations can be embarrassing. To prepare for contingencies, have a Plan B. For example, prepare a few pre-planned questions to ask the audience. This gives you time to regroup while the audience thinks about their answers. Having a backup plan boosts your confidence and minimizes the risk of going blank.

5. Be Organized

Arrive at the venue early to familiarize yourself with the environment and audience. Early arrival also gives you time to set up your laptop, audio-visual equipment, and other materials.

If you arrive late, you’ll have to start immediately, which can increase nervousness. Prepare a checklist in advance and ensure all materials for the IAP are ready a day before the event. Being organized reduces stress and helps you focus on delivering a great presentation.

6. Visualize Success

This might sound unusual, but it’s highly effective. Before your session, visualize yourself delivering the presentation confidently. Imagine the audience appreciating your talk and applauding you.

Positive visualization sends encouraging signals to your subconscious mind, helping you replicate that success in real life. Many people unknowingly visualize failure, focusing on what could go wrong. This sends negative signals to the subconscious, impacting your performance. Instead, focus on success.

In a Nutshell

Delivering IAPs is a powerful way to establish yourself as an authority in investing. To maximize the benefits of this activity, you must overcome the fear of public speaking. By practicing the techniques discussed above, you can conquer stage fear and deliver impactful presentations.

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